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Panel: US Must Control Security Firms
Legal Business | 2007/10/23 03:59
A panel recommended to the State Department that the U.S. government impose unified control over private security guards working for the U.S. in Iraq, an idea already floated by Defense Secretary Robert Gates, The Associated Press has learned.

The review panel found poor communication between diplomats and military officials and too little oversight of contractors like Blackwater USA, two people familiar with the report's findings told the AP on Monday.

The State Department risks another incident like the Sept. 16 Blackwater shooting of 17 Iraqi civilians unless it quickly installs closer management of the private army guarding diplomats in Iraq, the independent panel privately told Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

Rice said she wants to discuss the findings with Gates face to face and intends to act quickly.

"The recommendations point a very good way forward," Rice told reporters Monday night. She provided no details but said she and Gates would "discuss how we will carry out better coordination, how we will make certain that the United States government moves this forward with one voice."

The group strongly recommended that Rice coordinate her next move with the Pentagon, and she plans to speak with Gates by phone before he returns from an overseas trip late this week, a State Department official said. A face-to-face meeting would follow.

The panel, named by Rice in the wake of the Sept. 16 killings, made no specific recommendations about what should happen to Blackwater, whose guards were escorting an official from the U.S. Embassy when they fired on civilians in a Baghdad square, those familiar with the report said. The killings have outraged Iraqis and focused attention on the shadowy rules surrounding heavily armed private guards.

"There needs to be unity of effort so that whatever's moving in the battle space is coordinated, and it needs to be understood, especially, by the military out in that battle space," one person said.

Those familiar with the recommendations in the report spoke on condition of anonymity because Rice has not yet decided what changes she will make.

The recommendations would apply to management of all private security contractors in Iraq, and recognize that it is impractical to eliminate such protection altogether. The military has resisted assuming responsibility for guarding large numbers of U.S. officials, and the State Department's own security force is too small and already stretched too thin.

The group's closely held report also identified a gap that left private guards for diplomats in Iraq outside the direct control of U.S. civilian or military law, and outside Iraqi law, a U.S. official said. It was not clear whether the report recommends placing private contractors squarely under U.S. civilian law, but Congress has already acted to place such guards under military law when working for the Pentagon.

The Iraqi government is demanding that Blackwater be expelled from the country within six months and that its employees be subject to Iraqi law.

One person familiar with the report said the group did not focus on the specific events of Sept. 16, looking instead at the rules of engagement, responsibilities and oversight for all security contractors.

Catherine Roraback, 87; civil rights lawyer
Legal Careers News | 2007/10/23 02:06
Catherine Roraback, a civil rights lawyer whose work paved the way for the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark abortion rights decision, has died. She was 87.

Roraback, who defended radicals throughout her career, died Wednesday at a senior care facility in Salisbury, Conn., according to her family. The cause of death was not disclosed.

"She was quite a giant," Anne C. Dranginis, a friend and former appellate court judge, told the Hartford Courant last week. "She wasn't afraid to take a case that was controversial. She considered that her life's work."

Roraback made a name for herself in a string of cases challenging Connecticut's 1879 law banning the use of and prescriptions for contraceptives.

In the early 1960s, she represented a Planned Parenthood director and the clinic's doctor who had purposely challenged the law by opening a birth control clinic in New Haven, Conn.

She lost the case, but when the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear Griswold v. Connecticut on appeal, Roraback was the co-counsel. In 1965, the court ruled to establish reproductive health rights for women and extend privacy rights to reproductive freedom of choice.

The Griswold case became the cornerstone of the high court's 1973 landmark abortion rights case, Roe v. Wade.

Roraback was "long known as the least flamboyant of radical lawyers," the Connecticut Law Tribune said in 2006.

Early in her career, she made a point of defending people with unpopular ideas, including civil rights workers and Black Panther party members.

In 1971, she was the lead lawyer in the trial of Black Panther leader Bobby Seale and Panther member Ericka Huggins in the killing of another party member; the case ended in a mistrial.

She also represented members of the Communist Party prosecuted under the Smith Act of 1940, which made it a crime to "knowingly or willfully" advocate or abet the violent overthrow of the government or belong to any group that encouraged such an action. Such cases didn't help build her practice, "but representing someone who is being persecuted for having radical ideas is very exciting," Roraback said in the Law Tribune story.

Born and raised in Brooklyn, N.Y., Roraback was the daughter of social activists. Her father was a Congregational minister who came from a family of prominent Connecticut lawyers. She had a grandfather who sat on the state's Supreme Court.

She graduated from Mount Holyoke College in Massachusetts and was the only woman in her 1948 graduating class at Yale Law School. She helped found the American Civil Liberties Union of Connecticut the following year.

For years, she was a partner in a New Haven law firm but also maintained an office near her longtime home in Canaan, Conn.

Roraback's cousin, Connecticut state Sen. Andrew Roraback, said she regaled family and friends with "wonderful stories about the gender issues of the time, including having to enter the New Haven Graduate Club by the back door because she was a woman. But there was a very real sense that the trials she had as an early woman professional hardened her into the successful person she became."

State, IRS form alliance on insurance taxes
Law Center | 2007/10/23 02:02

Rhode Island plans to use information from the Internal Revenue Service to track down employers who are failing to properly pay state unemployment insurance taxes.

The Rhode Island Department of Labor and Training has signed an agreement with the IRS to share information that will allow the state agency to identify businesses that should be paying into the state’s unemployment insurance trust fund but are not, said Raymond A. Filippone, who heads the state’s unemployment insurance program.

“It is very important for us. I think it’s a step in the right direction,” Filippone said in a telephone interview yesterday from Nashua, N.H., where he is attending a conference for state unemployment insurance directors.

Based on a statement issued by the state agency yesterday, and on comments by Filippone, the new agreement’s focus would include the following situations in which state unemployment insurance taxes are not being properly paid:

•A business may be registered with the federal government, but not with the state government.

•A company may be registered at the federal level as a business with employees, but at the state level as a sole proprietorship without employees.

•An employer may misclassify employees as independent contractors.

The agreement will help the state agency identify such employers and notify them about the requirement to pay the tax, Filippone said.

Under the current system, businesses that fail to properly report their situations and pay the required unemployment insurance taxes are not caught until after employees file for unemployment insurance benefits.

With the IRS agreement, “Now we can catch them before an employee contacts us with a claim,” Filippone said in a statement.

Adelita Orefice, director of the state Department of Labor and Training, said in a statement that, “Prevention, detection and elimination of abuse in the unemployment insurance program are top priorities for our department. We want to ensure that employers are paying only their fair share of employment taxes and are not subsidizing any dishonest employers.”

The state does not have an estimate of how much in additional unemployment tax revenue it might collect as a result of the agreement, Filippone said in the phone interview.

Nevertheless, he said it is bound to result in some additional collections. This, in turn, could benefit existing employers who currently pay unemployment taxes — they might wind up paying less in tax, or pay less of an increase that would otherwise be due, he said.

If a business has employees, “It has to pay . . . unemployment insurance tax,” said Patricia A. Thompson, former president of the Rhode Island Society of Certified Public Accountants.

The unemployment insurance program is run through a federal-state partnership and is designed to partially replace lost earnings of individuals who become unemployed through no fault of their own. It is also intended to stabilize the economy during downturns.

The program has been a key component in ensuring the financial security of America’s work force for more than 70 years, according to a report issued last month by the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress.

For the year ended Sept. 30, 2006, the unemployment insurance program covered about 130 million workers and paid about $30 billion in benefits to about 7 million workers nationwide who lost their jobs, the GAO report said.

The program is paid for through state and federal employment taxes. In general, the taxes that employers pay are deposited into an unemployment insurance trust fund.

From that fund, the state pays benefits to workers who lose their jobs and qualify for benefits. The fund has a balance of about $192 million, Filippone said.

Broadly speaking, the tax that an employer pays is based, in part, on how many people have collected unemployment benefits in the past based on that employer’s account, said Thompson, tax partner with Piccerelli Gilstein & Co. LLP, a CPA firm in Providence.

Rhode Island is one of 29 states that will sign a memorandum of understanding with the IRS on Nov. 6. Besides Rhode Island, other New England states in the agreement include Massachusetts and Maine, Filippone said.

A spokesman for the IRS was not immediately available to comment about the agreement. Thompson said that the IRS could benefit from the information-sharing agreement in a number of ways.

For example, if an employer misclassifies a worker as an independent contractor, the employer does not pay federal payroll taxes that would otherwise be due, such as unemployment tax, Social Security tax and Medicare tax.

If the agreement uncovers such situations, the IRS could seek payment from the employers.

EU's top court strikes down VW law
World Business News | 2007/10/22 23:00
The European Union's highest court on Tuesday struck down a German law that shielded Volkswagen from takeover, paving the way for Porsche to take majority control of Europe's biggest carmaker. The ruling is a major boost for the European Commission in its crackdown on so-called golden shares, or strategic stakes that give governments special influence over listed companies.

"Today's ruling of the European Court of Justice is good news for the internal market and the free movement of capital," Commission spokesman Oliver Drewes told a briefing in Brussels.

The law's demise could also end decades of cosy ties between management and labor at VW in a system called co-determination that gives workers a major say in how the company is run.

The court ruled as expected that the Volkswagen Law broke EU rules because it capped voting rights at 20 percent and let VW's home state of Lower Saxony veto strategic decisions with just 20 percent of the votes.

Porsche welcomed the ruling that lets the maker of 911 sports cars exercise all of its VW voting rights via its nearly 31 percent stake in Volkswagen ordinary shares.

Porsche has said it has secured enough options to let it "significantly" raise its holding in VW but has declined to say whether this meant it could already gain majority control.

Colma casino owner pleads guilty to tax evasion
Tax | 2007/10/22 22:59
A Colma casino owner at the heart of a federal public corruption probe has admitted to cheating on his taxes and illegally deducting $2.6 million in personal expenses. Sixty-two-year-old Renato Medina faces up to five years in prison when he's sentenced Feb. 28 for felony tax evasion. He also agreed to pay $591,000 in back taxes after admitting listing home furnishings, a new Mercedes Benz and other personal luxuries as Lucky Chances expenses.

Medina's niece and nephew have pleaded not guilty to helping Medina set up sham companies to help funnel casino revenue into Medina's personal holdings.

Colma's former mayor was sentenced to 18 months in prison in July after pleading guilty to accepting airline tickets from Medina while the casino had business pending before him.

Reed Smith to Merge with Richards Butler Hong Kong
Law Firm News | 2007/10/22 22:44

Continuing its global merger march, Reed Smith LLP is uniting with a large Chinese firm to gain entree to legal work in that country's growing legal market. Reed Smith, which has about 150 attorneys in the Bay Area, merged with Richards Butler Hong Kong. The 110 attorneys in Hong Kong specialize in corporate transactions and litigation. The deal marks Reed Smith's entry into Asia and instantly makes the firm one of the five largest law firms in China. Reed Smith said it will apply to the Chinese government to open an office in Shanghai as well.

With this combination, Reed Smith will have more than 1,500 lawyers worldwide and it expects revenue in 2007 just shy of $1 billion.

"This merger gives us a leading presence in Hong Kong, an entree into mainland China and the ability to provide the high quality services our clients need," said Greg Jordan, firmwide managing partner at Reed Smith.

The Hong Kong merger is the third significant union executed by Reed Smith in the past 12 months. Last January, Reed Smith merged with Richard Butler London, which operated as a separate business entity from its Hong Kong counterpart. Three months later, Reed Smith merged with Chicago law firm Sachnoff & Weaver Ltd.

Including the Hong Kong merger, Reed Smith will have added 500 lawyers in the past year.

Reed Smith pushed into California in 2003 by its merger with Crosby Heafey Roach & May, the largest Oakland-based law firm.

California to Sue Over Auto Emissions
Environmental | 2007/10/22 22:40
The state's attorney general said Monday that he would sue the Environmental Protection Agency in an attempt to force it to decide whether to let California and 11 other states impose stricter standards on certain vehicle emissions. The lawsuit, expected to be filed Wednesday in federal court in Washington, D.C., comes 22 months after California first asked the EPA to let the state impose tougher regulations on emissions of greenhouse gases from cars, pickup trucks and sports utility vehicles.

California wants to implement a 2002 state law that would require automakers to begin making vehicles that emit fewer greenhouse gas emissions by model year 2009. It would cut emissions by about a quarter by the year 2030. But the law can take effect only if the EPA grants the state a waiver under the Clean Air Act.

"Unfortunately, the Bush administration has really had their head in the sand," Attorney General Jerry Brown said. "In this case, there has been an unreasonable delay."

The EPA held hearings this summer on California's waiver request, and administrator Steven Johnson told Congress he would make a decision by the end of the year. The schedule has not changed, EPA spokeswoman Jennifer Wood said Monday.

The agency is also crafting national standards that it will propose by the end of the year, Wood said.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger in April warned the EPA he would sue if the agency failed to act on the waiver within six months. That deadline is Tuesday.

"We feel like it's a reasonable request," Schwarzenegger spokesman Aaron McLear said. "They've delayed for a long time, and it's time to take action."

Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Washington also plan to join California's lawsuit against the EPA, officials in those states said.

While the federal government sets national air pollution rules, California has unique status under the Clean Air Act to enact its own regulations — with permission from the EPA. Other states can then follow either the federal rules or California standards, if they are tougher.

Eleven other states — Connecticut, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington — are ready to implement California's emissions standards if it gets the waiver. The governors of Arizona, Florida and New Mexico have said their states will adopt the standard.

The Association of International Automobile Manufacturers, which represents Honda, Nissan, Toyota and 11 other foreign car companies, has sued to block the standards from taking effect.

It argues that the tougher standards would raise the cost of cars and could force manufacturers to pull some sports utility vehicles and pickup trucks from showrooms. Their case is pending in federal court in Fresno.

The Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers has asked the EPA to deny the waiver, arguing there should be one federal standard for tailpipe emissions.

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Class action or a representative action is a form of lawsuit in which a large group of people collectively bring a claim to court and/or in which a class of defendants is being sued. This form of collective lawsuit originated in the United States and is still predominantly a U.S. phenomenon, at least the U.S. variant of it. In the United States federal courts, class actions are governed by Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule. Since 1938, many states have adopted rules similar to the FRCP. However, some states like California have civil procedure systems which deviate significantly from the federal rules; the California Codes provide for four separate types of class actions. As a result, there are two separate treatises devoted solely to the complex topic of California class actions. Some states, such as Virginia, do not provide for any class actions, while others, such as New York, limit the types of claims that may be brought as class actions. They can construct your law firm a brand new website, lawyer website templates and help you redesign your existing law firm site to secure your place in the internet.
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